Friday, July 13, 2007

Medical Malpractice - A Battle of the Experts

The law in Virginia requires that, in most cases, the patient must have credible medical experts testify on their behalf at trial in order to be successful. The fact that the patient suffered a tragic and unexpected or unexplained outcome is not sufficient to prove the case. At Frith Law Firm we are “experts” at finding experts. After we have closely reviewed our client’s medical records we conduct our own research of the available medical literature to learn every step of the surgical procedure or treatment of the disease at issue. Throughout the many years of our experience in the area of medical malpractice, we have established a working relationship with numerous nurse and physician experts throughout the United States. We have worked with experts from Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Georgia, and Rhode Island among other states. These experts work and teach at some of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States including:

University of Virginia Health System
Medical College of Virginia
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Carolinas Medical Center
Duke University Medical Center
Brown University Medical School
University of Mississippi Medical Center
East Carolina University School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
University of Miami School of Medicine
Mount Sinai Medical Center (NY)

These experts are medical specialists in the areas of:

General Surgery
Emergency Medicine
Neuro Radiology
Vascular Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Family Practice
Spine Surgery
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Surgery
Colo Rectal Surgery
Bariatric Surgery

We locate the expert who is right for your case and provide that medical professional with all of the resources they need to assist us with an honest and forthright opinion on the merits of the case. We discuss with each client, in detail, all of the reviewing experts’ opinions and anticipated testimony. We work hard to find just the right medical expert to support your case.

Dan Frith is an attorney with Frith Law Firm in Roanoke, Virginia. He concentrates his practice on medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, nursing home neglect, lead paint poisoning, and business torts.

You may view his complete profile at and the firm’s home page at

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